Monday, June 23, 2008

Please consider the poor

With the high cost of fuel, I am appealing to all to consider the impact of the situation to the poor.

How do the poor travel?

What are the impact on their travel behaviours?

The poor will be most affected by the recent increase in fuel prices. Eventhough they may not owned automobiles but many of them depended heavily on motorcycles. There are those who are heavily depended on public transportation.

While vehicle owners in Malaysia received cash subsidies, the poor have to pay more. This seems to be a paradox.

The poor should be given more subsidies by the government. A mechanism should be formulated to assist them.

Transport is for all. Its a basic need of modern human being. In which they are able to move themselves in order to seek provisions for their lives.

Let's do the right thing.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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